How To Fix A Nintendo Switch That Won't Charge

By admin Feb 5, 2025

Every game console is prone to technical issues, despite how much care we may take when using them, and the Nintendo Switch is no exception. One of the more common problems that system owners have encountered is that their Switch won’t charge, even when plugged in. If you’re currently experiencing this issue, here are some ways to potentially fix a Switch that won’t charge.

How to fix a Switch that won’t charge

1. Check the AC adapter

If your Switch isn’t charging, the first and most obvious thing to do is to check if the AC adapter is plugged into the wall outlet properly. While you’re at it, check the adapter for any visible signs of damage like cuts or frays. If the adapter is damaged, you’ll need to order a replacement. You can do so from Nintendo’s online store, where the company sells brand-new adapters for $30 USD each. You can also get them on Amazon for half the price from a well-reviewed third-party brand.

2. Unplug the AC adapter

If your AC adapter isn’t damaged, try unplugging it from the wall outlet as well as from the Switch dock. Leave the adapter unplugged for at least 30 seconds, then plug it back in and see if your Switch starts charging again.

3. Connect AC adapter directly into your Switch

If the previous step doesn’t resolve the issue, try connecting the AC adapter directly to your Switch’s charging port and see if the charging indicator appears. If it does, leave the system plugged in for at least 30 minutes to charge before disconnecting the adapter.

4. Reset your Switch

If the charging indicator still doesn’t appear when you plug the adapter directly into your Switch, try doing a hard reset. Hold the Switch’s power button down for 12 seconds until it completely powers down. Wait for a few seconds before powering it back on and plugging the AC adapter in again.

5. Plug AC adapter into a different outlet

If the system still won’t charge after powering it back up, it’s possible the wall outlet is damaged. Try plugging the AC adapter into a different outlet and see if that resolves the issue.

6. Send to Nintendo

If all else fails, you may need to send your Switch in to Nintendo for repairs. You can read more on how to resolve this issue on Nintendo’s support website.

By admin

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